ITmedia Inc.25周年ロゴ


ITmedia Inc.

Communication with Shareholders and Investors

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Communication with Shareholders and Investors

In order to maximize corporate value, we actively engage in constructive dialogue with investors, including shareholders, and strive to deepen mutual understanding and foster relationships of trust. We also ensure that the feedback we receive is reflected in Group management.
Communication with shareholders and investors is carried out based on coordination between relevant departments within the Company, with efforts led by the President and CEO and the Head of IR in the Corporate Planning Division. In addition to providing a wide range of opportunities for communication with shareholders and investors, such as earnings briefings, we also disclose information through channels including our corporate website and IR releases.
Also, the feedback from shareholders and investors gained from IR activities is regularly reported to the Board of Directors by the General Manager of the Corporate Planning Division.

* Information for FY2023 (updated on June 27, 2024)

IR activities

Activities Counts
Earnings briefings for analysts and institutional investors 2
1-on-1 meetings 88

Main speaker

President and CEO; Corporate Planning Division (General Manager/Head of IR)

Main targets of activities

Japanese institutional investors, overseas institutional investors, analysts, etc.

Main dialogue themes and areas of shareholder interest

  • Impact of slowdowns in the US economy and growth of technology companies
  • Outlook regarding the swing back from digital to physical events and areas for improvement
  • Programmatic Ad price trends
  • Current situation regarding Generative-AI use
  • Revision of medium-term targets
  • Measures to promote management with an awareness of cost of capital and share price
  • Future dividend policy
  • Sustainability

Status of feedback to the Board of Directors

Opinions and concerns received from shareholders and investors are appropriately compiled by the Corporate Planning Division and then reported to upper management and relevant departments. We strive to reflect this feedback in initiatives and use it to improve information disclosure and messaging.
Also, the opinions and concerns received during dialogue and shareholding trends are regularly reported to the Board of Directors.

Information from past years
