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ITmedia Inc.

Shareholder Returns Policy and Dividend Information

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Shareholder Returns Policy and Dividend Information

Dividend policy (Period covered: up to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2029)

We prioritize strategic investment for sustainable growth and aim to maximize corporate value. At the same time, we also aim to increase capital efficiency with an awareness of cost of capital, leading to increased dividends over the medium and long term and reflection in share prices, so we have set a target of 70% or higher for the consolidated dividend payout ratio.

(Announced January 31, 2024)

A diagram with three overlapping circles illustrating the balance of three elements: priority on growth investment, capital efficiency, and financial soundness. In the center, it states 'Increase in dividends and share price formation over the medium to long term.' On the right, it displays 'Target dividend payout ratio of 70% or higher (applicable until the fiscal year ending March 2029).'

Cash dividends

Earnings per share


Dividend per share


For dividend forecasts, please refer to the Financial Results.

Total amount of dividends

(Millions of yen)

Payout ratio


Total payout ratio


  2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03 2025/03
Year-end 25.3 69.7 28.1 191.8

Total payout ratio = (dividend amount + total amount of treasury share repurchases) ÷ net income attributable to owners of the parent × 100

Total amount of treasury share repurchases

This table can be scrolled

Repurchases period Total number
repurchased (Shares)
Total repurchase amount (Yen)
August 1 – October 20, 2023 500,000 571,799,500
August 1 – October 20, 2021 358,900 799,817,900
February 1 – March 17, 2017 411,400 299,957,800
December 1 – December 17, 2008 1,000 43,500,250

Stock splits

This table can be scrolled

Effective date Split ratio Increase in number of
shares due to split (Shares)
December 1, 2015 1:3 13,154,000
October 1, 2010 1:100 6,299,370
October 1, 2007 1:2 31,203

Shareholder benefits

There is currently no shareholder benefit scheme in place.

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