ITmedia Inc.25周年ロゴ


ITmedia Inc.

General Stock Information

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General Stock Information

Stock overview

Stock code 2148
Listing TSE Prime Market
Total number of issued shares 21,030,300 shares (As of March 31, 2024)
Number of shares constituting one trading unit 100 shares
Business year April 1 to March 31 of the next year
General Meetings of the Shareholders Every year in June
Record date Every year on March 31
Reporting method Electronic public notice (in Japanese). However, in the event that electronic public notices cannot be provided due to accidents or other unavoidable circumstances, public notice shall be given in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Shareholder benefits There is currently no shareholder benefit scheme in place.

Stock Ownership

Major shareholders
(As of March 31, 2024)

This table can be scrolled

Shareholder Number of shares held (Shares) Shareholding (%)
SB Media Holdings Corp. 10,457,400 53.4
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 794,200 4.1
Junichi Niino 367,500 1.9
Toshiki Otsuki 273,600 1.4
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust E Account) 193,200 1.0
Takashi Kobayashi 148,900 0.8
GOLDMAN SACHS &CO. REG 124,400 0.6
ITmedia Inc. Employee stock ownership plan 115,800 0.6
Kenji Kimura 110,000 0.6

(Note) The Company holds 1,459,953 treasury shares which are excluded from the table above. In addition, the shareholding ratio is calculated after deducting treasury shares.
Additionally, this number of treasury shares does not include the Company’s shares (193,200 shares) held by Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust E Account) based on the Company’s Board Benefit Trust Scheme.

Breakdown by type of shareholder
(As of March 31, 2024)

Pie chart of shareholder composition. Other corporations hold the largest share at 50.6% (10,649,196 shares), followed by individuals and others at 33.4% (7,023,606 shares), treasury shares at 6.9% (1,459,953 shares), financial institutions at 5.4% (1,127,400 shares), foreign corporations, etc. at 3.0% (631,382 shares), and securities companies at 0.7% (138,763 shares).